Because Jesus rose from the dead, Christians may say, “My God lives.”
Christians do not serve an idol who has eyes but cannot see and ears but cannot hear. We do not worship the memory of a good moral man, a fascinating personality, a great teacher or the spirit of someone who once lived. Christians serve THE living God. The God who ever lives to make intercession for us. The invisible God made visible in Jesus Christ
Because Jesus lives, Christians know they will live in eternity with Him.
This is an unparalleled hope. A hope no other faith may claim or cling to. Jesus promised believers He was preparing a place for them, they would be where He was. Jesus prayed for His believers to see His glory, the glory He had with the Father before the world began. Jesus prayed for His disciples and those who would believe in His name because of their testimony. Jesus knew who would believe in Him—of those that belonged to Him, He said He would lose none.
The question today on Resurrection Sunday (or any other day really) is, “Am I a believer? Was I included in the prayer of Jesus? Was I on His mind when He died on the cross for the sin of mankind and when He rose from the dead guaranteeing eternal life for all who believe?
Personally, I believe Jesus thought of everyone, because He came to seek and save those who were lost—and that was everyone. The man born blind is everyman. Will I recognize the miracle of the resurrection and understands it is only God who opens the eyes of the blind? I am so thankful to and pray everyman will echo the words of the hymn writer, “I was lost but now am found--amazing grace—how sweet the sound.”
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