"When He went ashore He saw a great crowd, and He had compassion on them and healed their sick...Then He ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, He looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and...they all ate and were satisfied....about five thousand men, women & children. (Matthew 14:14-21)
When Jesus saw the crowd on shore, He had compassion, which motivated Him to heal their sick, and then feed them. Mourning endures for a time. The grief cycle is a documented process, which emotionally and mentally is healthy to complete. However, what is not healthy is to wallow in, what I call, fatalistic misery. This can happen in regards to any disappointment in life. For me, it is always best to follow the example of Jesus, to stop, DROP and SERVE. Jesus did not despair, rather deferred to the Father's will. Instead of allowing myself to become immobilized and wallow in disappointment, I too must learn to STOP, DROP and SERVE
STOP to grieve. This is healthy. However, in the midst of grieving there is another stop. STOP wallowing, or reliving the disappointment of whatever was my experience over and over again. "There is a time for every purpose under heaven" Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 says, "a time to mourn and a time to dance." I must stop and put my cares to prayer, leaving them on God’s altar for inspection and attention. Prayer instead of panic or even in the midst of panic. Set my mind on things above instead of rehashing the situations on earth. (Colossians 3:1-2) My part is to grieve, and then stop wallowing to allow God to lead me in the way I should walk.
DROP the “What If and Wondering Why.” I do wonder why sometimes, but I cannot allow myself to LIVE there. It is impossible for me, a finite being, to understand the complexities of Who God is and Why He allows certain things to happen the way they do. I can drive myself crazy trying to figure out the unfigureoutable. I can become depressed because I am focused on futility instead of faith in the Lord God Almighty. I can lose faith because the enemy, who roams the earth seeking whom he may devour, pounces on every opportunity to whittle away at my spirit, especially when I am too dependent on my own understanding, which is limited. I must surrender to God and His ultimate knowledge and authority. I must drop my dependence on my own understanding and pick up the armor of God—be strong in the LORD and the power of His might. (Ephesians 6:10-18)
SERVE somebody. I remember that song lyric by Bob Dylan, “you’re gonna have to serve somebody…it might be the devil or it might be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.” It is so true. Beyond serving the devil or the Lord in daily life, when times of grief and uncertainty come, it is so good to step outside of my situation and feelings, to care for someone else in need. Jesus did that. He had compassion on the crowd, He healed them, and then He served them dinner. A great miracle occurred because Jesus was willing to stop to grieve, drop to His knees and pray, and serve when the opportunity presented itself.
Does this STOP, DROP, and SERVE technique change the circumstances of my life; does it bring back a loved one, or get me the job I need, or restore a broken relationship? No. What it does do is change my attitude and behavior. Which is the only thing I can change to begin with. Death on earth is pretty final, bosses are fickle, and people can be selfish. Often my circumstances do not change, but my attitude toward them does.
What a change in my attitude and behavior cannot do for my circumstances, it does for me in a holistic manner. Spiritually, it changes my perspective to God’s perspective. Emotionally, It changes my attitude to be God’s attitude—one of peace instead of pressure. Mentally, it takes the focus off of me, me, me and frees me from the grip of oppression that often follows any type of self-centered behavior I may engage in. Physically, I am motivated to positive action, which revitalizes my soul.
Stop, Drop, and Serve…that is what Jesus did…that is what I must do.
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