“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
(Matthew 3:2 / 4:17)
These words are the message first preached by John the Baptist, and by Jesus Messiah.
"Kingdom of heaven” is a phrase Matthew uses thirty-two times in his Gospel. He also uses “kingdom of God” five times. Research reveals Matthew is the only Gospel writer to use the phrase “kingdom of heaven” in his narrative.
Pastor Jon Courson explains in his New Testament Application Commentary, Matthew intentionally used the phrase for Jewish believers, who were his primary audience, illustrating Jesus was talking about a spiritual kingdom, and not a reign on earth.
The Jewish people were under the cruel and unjust rule of the Roman Empire. They wanted a Messiah to take control, bring justice and fix all their problems. In fairness, I have felt the same way at times. I want the right president, the perfect boss. I want justice for the oppressed and fairness for the cheated. I want everyone to be healthy and safe. The truth is, I really want something I can never have here on earth, I want the kingdom of heaven.
Last year, our friend and pastor, Brent Yim, was diagnosed with brain cancer. Ever since, he and his family have been in a struggle to overcome the disease. Brent is only thirty-two years old. He has a beautiful wife, and two young sons. Brent is an amazing Bible teacher and ministers not only to his church, but serves as principal in their Christian school. He also instructs at the Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murietta, CA. To quote my husband after attending a church service, “Brent, has not given up. He continues to drag himself to the pulpit every Sunday and we are all blessed because of it.” Brent has his eye on the prize. He knows what he is living for, and it is not for health, wealth and prosperity. Through this trial and suffering, Brent's eye is on the kingdom of heaven.
As much as many of us want to ask God, WHY Brent, Why now, Why this way? We must pause and recognize, Immanuel is with us. God is sovereign and there are no guarantees for anyone in life. Every human shares the common experience; we are conceived, we are born, we live, we die, and then we meet our Maker. There is no escaping for anyone. But, believers in Jesus need never fear.
I have been reading Billy Graham’s book, Nearing Home—Life, Faith and Finishing Well. I highly recommend it for everyone. At age ninety-two Billy Graham gives insight and wisdom into the difficulties of aging, retirement and facing the uncertainties concerning dying with dignity and grace. Here is a man whose life and message throughout the years have been consistent; Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. At the close of his book, Billy Graham asks a question, “My friend do you know the way?” He is still preaching the Gospel from his bed and points the reader to John 14:6 where Jesus says, “I am the way…”
John 14:1-6 is a section of scripture I love, and everyone who is worried about dying should read and take to heart.
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In My Father’s house are many rooms…I go to prepare a place for you…I will come and take you to myself, that where I am you may be also, and you know the way…I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
The passage is a formula for comfort and peace about the hereafter. Do not be troubled, worried, fretting or filled with anxiety. Just believe in God and trust in Jesus. There is room for everyone in the Father’s house and Jesus is preparing the place. Not only that, but Jesus will come lead the way to Himself—I never need find my way alone. Jesus wants me with Him. Jesus is the guaranteed route to the Father—there is no other.
Now, if I could only live in that mindset, all would be well. My problems might not all disappear. My health may continue to decline with the years. I may not become a millionaire, but my focus would be adjusted properly to understand that heaven is my home and life on earth, no matter how long, is only a temporary stop along the way.
Billy Graham would like to be at the pulpit preaching the Gospel. But he writes, "those days are gone." The walker, cane and wheelchair in his room are reminders he can no longer get out of bed without assistance. He misses his wife Ruth, and I can see after reading his book, as my friend Audrey used to say, “He is lonesome for heaven.”
Brent Yim would like to be free of cancer, and for this we are praying. He would rather be studying for a sermon than reviewing his test results. He should be running around playing with his children rather than lying in a hospital bed receiving intravenous chemotherapy. As much as he may, at times, struggle with his lot, he has the assurance of God's presence with him now and the certainty of a home prepared for him in eternity. He uses his time in the waiting room to pray for and comfort other patients. He realizes the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
No one knows the day or the hour when Billy or Brent or anyone else will answer that final call. But we do know, the moment believers in God, who trust in Jesus for salvation, depart this earthly realm, they immediately arrive in the kingdom of heaven.
This was the message Matthew heard Jesus give over and over. It was a vital message for the Jews back then, and it continues to be the most important message for everyone today. "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
Nearing-Home-Life-Faith-Finishing Well, by Billy Graham
Brent Yim, Pastor's Blog (Suggest: The Ministry of Comfort Through Our Suffering)
The Yim Family Fund (Make a donation to help with medical expenses--thank you!)